Endorsement announcement: DC Voters for Animals

Councilmember Brooke Pinto has received an endorsement from DC Voters for Animals in her bid for re-election.

DC Voters for Animals has praised Councilmember Pinto for her efforts to integrate healthy, plant-forward food options into DC's procurement strategies and her role in advancing the Fur Products Prohibition Act. This legislation, which is poised for markup in the Judiciary & Public Safety Committee, chaired by Pinto, aims to enhance the rights and well-being of animals across the city.

"Animals play a fundamental role in enriching our communities, homes, and ecosystems, and the rights of our animals must be prioritized as they cannot speak for themselves," stated Pinto, reaffirming her dedication to animal welfare and sustainable food systems.


Endorsement announcement: The Sierra Club


Brooke Pinto Shares Her Vision