About Brooke Pinto

A lawyer, Councilmember, and most importantly Ward 2 community member, Brooke has dedicated her career to serving DC and Ward 2 residents.

Brooke fell in love with DC after moving here to attend Georgetown Law School. Brooke quickly became devoted to serving her neighbors and community, working with the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless and Georgetown University Medical School, where she helped to address the intersectionality of health and legal issues.

Upon graduating law school, Brooke knew she wanted to continue to give back to her community and use her education to serve DC. She served at the District of Columbia Office of the Attorney General, first as a tax attorney representing the D.C. Office of Tax and Revenue and later as the Assistant Attorney General for Policy and Legislative Affairs. She also advocated for D.C. Statehood before the National Attorneys General Association and on Capitol Hill.

In 2020, infuriated by a pattern of self-dealing and poor representation by Ward 2’s representative on the DC Council, Brooke decided to run for Council. As the youngest candidate and with the fewest ties to DC’s political establishment, Brooke ran a campaign focused on outworking the opposition. On an average day, she made over 500 calls to residents, sharing her vision for recovering from the coronavirus pandemic and returning ethical leadership to Ward 2. In June 2020, she won the special election to fill the seat and later that month was sworn in as the youngest member elected to the Council of the District of Columbia in history, and the first woman elected to represent Ward 2.

Since entering office, Brooke has made a common-sense approach to increasing public safety, ensuring a robust recovery from the pandemic, addressing and ending homelessness, increasing the availability and reliability of sustainable transportation, and promoting the interests of the LGBTQQIA+ community her top priorities. She currently serves as the Council’s Chairwoman of the Committee on Public Safety and Justice.

Brooke is running for reelection to continue delivering pragmatic problem-solving and ethical, responsive leadership to Ward 2. Brooke believes deeply in the people of Ward 2 and serving as their representative is her honor and joy.