DC councilmember launches plan to address violence 'crisis' in the District

District Councilmember Brooke Pinto introduced her "Secure DC Plan" Monday morning, the first day after councilmembers returned from summer recess.

Before the break, the council members passed an emergency crime bill that would only last for 90 days, expiring on Oct. 18. Pinto is the chairperson for the council's Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, which is holding the public hearing for the four public safety bills on Monday.

In a press release sent to 7News, Pinto called violence in the District a “crisis."

The Secure DC Plan not only includes newly introduced bills but also plans to hold hearings on legislation she introduced earlier this year.

Pinto's office said the package will ensure accountability, prevent crime and violence, support police and first responders, end cycles of violence, and strengthen government coordination.

"What has become clear to me, through our city, is that public safety is the number one issue on residents' minds, the number one issue plaguing our city right now," Pinto said.


Pinto releases plans to tackle crime as violent summer ends


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